Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pops and more....

Posted by Joey Young:
Today I spent 8 hours in a room discussing pops and special programming. Eight HOURS…it's a really long time, however, so much great information! Jeff Tyzik, Amanda Tozzi Williams, and Shelly Fuerte served as an entertaining, engaging and informative panel.

I found it fascinating how much time we discussed the training of conductors early in the session. Since I'm sort of "fried" for the day I thought I would just share one brief comment given from an administrator's point of view.

Great Comment: "If you insist on a staff conductor to do pops [or ANYTHING] why aren't we finding him or her the training in communication, acting, timing, and etc.??"

It's a valid question and hope many artistic administrator's have this attitude.


CW said...

Were they talking about more than a simple course in Public Speaking? That in itself should not be too hard to pay for or organize with the conductor.
When might the presentation materials be available for download?

JY said...

i think its more than a simple course, but it's a good start. I think its more about developing a staff conductor as well as using them for Family, pops etc. Whatever area they are weak we should find ways to help them develop to be the best they can be. I am so lucky to have a position that does that type of training.

I am not sure if this presentation will be available for downloads